Información sobre la lista de trucos de 2A.
[SPANISH]****(version in english is to down)****
Existe una lista de trucos de 2A publicada en la página activa desde el 2001, dicha pagina es creada y administrada por el celebre Yo-yo Master: Hironori Mii.
Existe una lista de trucos de 2A publicada en la página activa desde el 2001, dicha pagina es creada y administrada por el celebre Yo-yo Master: Hironori Mii.
La pagina cuenta con el reconocimiento y la colaboración de la Japan Yo-Yo Association, la Japan Yo-yo Federation y la International Yo-Yo Federation. Los cuales han creado nueve niveles de juego y uno extra para los distintos trucos básicos y avanzados que hay que aprender dentro de la categoría de 2A. Cabe aclarar que dicho listado esta pensado exclusivamente para jugadores japoneses, por lo tanto, se exenta a todo aquel extranjero de saber dichos trucos, sin embargo es de gran utilidad y orientación para aquellos extranjeros que deseen aprender el arte del looping.
Los niveles están pensados de acuerdo al nivel de control que vaya ganando el jugador, desde el jugador principiante hasta los mas avanzados. Son dos niveles de trucos que se juegan a una mano y siete niveles con trucos de dos manos, a partir del nivel seis inician los trucos de agarre o wraps siendo estos el punto crucial de todo practicante de yo-yo en la categoría 2A.
La lista es acompañada del nombre del truco y el numero de veces de repeticiones que se han de realizar para ser contado el truco como punto a favor.
El proyecto quedo a cargo de:
-Shinya Kido; como productor de los vídeos.
-Yasushi Furukawa y Takuma Yamamoto; como los jugadores presentados.
-Takuma Yamamoto y Yokoyama Koji; como supervisores del proyecto.
Por desgracia, dicha lista tiene al rededor de 7 años contando con solo una actualización desde entonces (2015).
En el año 2014 Shinya Kido publico en Rewind Yo-yo Store nuevas secciones. Dentro de las cuales se mejoro y amplio la sección de tips y knowledge, dándole una renovada a la subsección de looping anexándole nueva información, siendo entre ellas, una versión de la lista de trucos antes mencionada reducida a solo siete niveles pero que sigue manteniendo los viejos vídeos y la información complementaria.
Lo único malo y conflictivo de la lista de trucos para 2A, son los vídeos donde se presenta la forma en como hacer los trucos. En algunos de ellos no se observa con claridad la forma en la que se realizan los trucos, complicando así su realización para aquellos que no tienen un antecedente de como se hacen. Y debido a la rareza y poca popularidad de la categoría y sus trucos, hacen complicada la busqueda de opciones alternas para poder realizarlos.
Info about of trick list 2A.
There a trick list of 2A published in the active site since 2001, This page is created and managed by the famous Yo-yo Master: Hironori Mii.
There a trick list of 2A published in the active site since 2001, This page is created and managed by the famous Yo-yo Master: Hironori Mii.
The page has the recognition and the support of the Japan Yo-Yo Association, the Japan Yo-yo Federation and the International Yo-Yo Federation. Which they have created nine levels of game and one extra for the various basic and advanced tricks to be learned in the 2A category. It should be noted that this list is intended only for Japanese players, therefore, no matter if it is not known these tricks, but it is useful and guidance for foreigners who wish to learn the art of looping.
The levels are designed according to the level of control you gain the player, from novice to the most advanced. There are two levels of tricks that are played with one hand and seven levels with two hands tricks, from the level six, begins tricks of wraps being these the important point of every practitioner of yo-yo category 2A.
The list is accompanied by the name of the trick and the number of times of repetitions to be performed to be counted as trick.
The project was in charge of:
-Shinya Kido; as a producer of videos.
-Yasushi Furukawa and Takuma Yamamoto; as players presented.
Yokoyama Koji and Yamamoto Takuma; as supervisors of the project.
Unfortunately, this list has around 7 years having only one update since then (2015).
In 2014 Shinya Kido public in Rewind Yo-yo Store new sections. Among which was improved and expanded the section of tips and knowledge, giving a renewed subsection of looping annexing new information, being among them a version of the list of tricks aforementioned reduced to only seven levels but still retaining the old videos and additional information.
The only bad of the list of tricks to 2A, are the videos where is presented how to do the tricks. In some of them, can not be clearly seen how the tricks are done, thus complicating its realization. And because of the rarity and unpopularity of the category, make complicated the search for alternative options to achieve them.
The list is accompanied by the name of the trick and the number of times of repetitions to be performed to be counted as trick.
The project was in charge of:
-Shinya Kido; as a producer of videos.
-Yasushi Furukawa and Takuma Yamamoto; as players presented.
Yokoyama Koji and Yamamoto Takuma; as supervisors of the project.
Unfortunately, this list has around 7 years having only one update since then (2015).
In 2014 Shinya Kido public in Rewind Yo-yo Store new sections. Among which was improved and expanded the section of tips and knowledge, giving a renewed subsection of looping annexing new information, being among them a version of the list of tricks aforementioned reduced to only seven levels but still retaining the old videos and additional information.
The only bad of the list of tricks to 2A, are the videos where is presented how to do the tricks. In some of them, can not be clearly seen how the tricks are done, thus complicating its realization. And because of the rarity and unpopularity of the category, make complicated the search for alternative options to achieve them.
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